Introduction to the campaign
In May, it is time for the European Parliament elections. We need to agree that sustainable solutions cannot be achieved by reducing young people’s opportunities to influence matters that concern them, get an education and live on this planet in general. Above all, we need decision-makers who think further ahead than a single term of office – also in the European Union.
These are important elections. SYL and SAMOK’s joint themes for the European Parliament elections are education and funding for education, internationalisation, and the opportunities for students and young people to participate in and influence the European Union.
Higher education guarantees a better future for all, and that is why we must invest in it. Internationalisation is a central part of global development and the sharing of knowledge. We ask: in what ways and how much will the European Union invest in education?
Finland must promote a progressive climate policy both at home and in the EU. The climate is a generational issue, and we must join the fight against climate change now. This campaign will challenge people to consider solutions for stopping climate change.
In the last European Parliament elections, only one in ten young people aged 18–24 voted. In these elections, everyone aged 18–24 has spent their entire lives as EU citizens. Now, we must discuss issues that are important to young people and make the EU decision-making comprehensible to all.
In order to get young people to vote we have to guarantee their opportunities to influence and participate in the European Union. Many decisions that affect our everyday lives are made at the EU level. We will make noise for young people and students’ right to get a genuine say.
We have a lot of faith in the future, because we are the ones building it, and we will do it together. We are the solution.
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#education #mobility #participation
What is your solution?
Education has an intrinsic value
Education has an intrinsic value in regard to civilization and the functioning of democracy. Education, research and innovation policy must be coherent and support each other within the decision-making of the EU. Education must be examined as a whole in both the preparatory and decision-making stages.
As one of the top countries in regard to education, Finland has the opportunity and responsibility to improve the level of education in the entire EU. The Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) plays a key role when it comes to the EU education policy.
- At least one Finnish Member of the European Parliament (MEP) should sit on the CULT committee.
- Vocational education should be removed from employment policy and once again be included in education policy. All levels of education are considered to have value in themselves in the EU.
Funding for an accessible, high-quality higher education
EU funding is used to create prosperity, respond to global challenges, and promote mobility and European unity. Erasmus is the clearest way for young people to see what the EU is like, how citizens can benefit from it and what the union does in practice. Erasmus is the most successful of all EU projects. As a programme promoting international mobility, Erasmus is in a key position to create a European and international identity among the students and young people in the member states. We support the European Parliament’s decision to triple the funding for Erasmus+.
The Sustainable Development Goals must be considered in the criteria for EU funding. Only through education can we resolve the major challenges of our time, such as climate change.
- The European Union must invest more in research, education and lifelong learning as part of the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
- The European Union’s regional aid should be directed towards research, development and innovation activities and towards supporting and improving education.
- Each EU member state should invest at least two per cent of their gross domestic product (GDP) in higher education.
Include students and young people in decision-making
Education should be developed from a student perspective, and student advocacy work must be protected at EU level. The EU cannot build sustainable and fair generation policy without including the skills of the students.
Young people must be included in decision-making more often. In accordance with the EU’s principle of subsidiarity, decision-making must be brought as close to young people and students as possible, and they should be included in decision-making and preparation.
- When planning the European Education Area (EEA), students must be included in the decision-making processes.
- The existing methods of hearing young people (such as the EU Youth Dialogue) must be tied in with the political processes.
Climate change is a generational issue
Climate change is the most important generation policy issue of our time. The suffering, uncertainty and costs that it causes will affect young and future generations disproportionately. Finland must be at the forefront of the fight against climate change, enforce effective and ambitious climate and environmental policy, listen to experts and invest in research and innovation combating climate change. In the upcoming European parliamentary term, we need concrete measures to minimize the consequences of climate change.
Young and students – vote in the European Elections
We live in a time of significant global challenges. The climate change is threatening everything we know. Brexit and the crisis of democracy are challenging the member states and EU institutions all over Europe. The voice of the younger generation must be heard in European decision-making.
The student movement’s joint themes for the European Parliament elections are education and funding for education, internationalisation, and the opportunities for students and young people to participate in and influence the European Union.
Now is the time for solutions.
- European Elections on 26 May 2019. In Finland the election day is Sunday 26 May 2019. The advance voting between 15 and 21 May and abroad between 15 and 18 May 2019. Vote!